What happens in the
There are four stages
in the procedure:
I Preparation, when the
learner finds out about the topic of the text and is prepared for some of the
2 Dictation, when the
learner hears the text and takes fragmentary notes.
3 Reconstruction, when
the learner reconstructs the text on the basis of the fragments recorded in
stage 2.
4 Analysis and
correction, when learners analyze and correct their texts.
The four Stages of Dictogloss
I Preparation
At this first stage,
teachers should:
a. Prepare learners for
the text they will be hearing by exploiting the warm-up suggestions in each
lesson. This type of topical warm-up prepares learners for the subject matter
and makes them more receptive to listening in the next stage: people listen
more effectively when they are able to anticipate what they will hear, when
their interest in the topic has been aroused, and when they become personally
involved in the discussion.
b. Prepare learners for
the vocabulary of the text. The list in each unit is a suggestion only.
Vocabulary should be pre-taught if the teacher suspects that it is unknown to
the learners or difficult for them to infer.
c. Ensure that learners
know what they are expected to do at each stage of the procedure.
d. Organize learners into
groups before the dictation begins.
2 Dictation
As a standard the procedure, learners should hear the dictation twice. The first time, they
should not write, but allow the words to 'wash over them'. This way they get a
global feeling for the whole passage. The second time, they should take down
notes. Then the students take notes during the dictation, they should be encouraged
to write down the type of word that will help them to piece together the text
in the later reconstruction stage. Such words are content or information words,
for example, farmer, sold, horse, that serve as memory cues or triggers. The
grammar or function words, for example, the, his, and, are to be provided by
the learners themselves as part of the productive process of reconstructing the
The text should be dictated at normal spoken speed. The general pace is comparable to that of a news broadcast on radio or TV. The dictating should not be conducted in the traditional way where the sentence is broken up into isolated word units. The semantic grouping here is the sentence. Between sentences, the pauses should be slightly longer than usual; a brisk count to five under one's breath is a good standard. As far as is possible the two readings should be identical.
3 Reconstruction
As soon as the
dictation is finished, the learners, working in groups, proceed to pool their
notes and work on their version of the text. It helps if each group has a
'scribe' through whom all suggestions are the channel. The scribe writes down the
group's text as it emerges from group discussion. When it is complete, the
group checks the text for grammar, textual cohesion, and logical sense. The
teacher's role during reconstruction is to monitor the activity but not to
provide any actual language input. However, to facilitate the error
analysis/corrections tag to follow, it sometimes helps to pre-empt the problem
of 'error clutter'. If a group's text is too cluttered with grammatical errors,
it is difficult in stage 4 to focus attention on the areas of primary need. To
prevent this, the teacher in the reconstruction stage should point out minor
peripheral errors to learners while they are still drafting their texts. In
other words, the teacher may unobtrusively contribute to the group's 'conferencing'.
If a text has been chosen for its structural language point (for example past
tenses) then the errors to be eliminated in the drafting stage would be in
areas other than this, for example,
articles or prepositions. This helps to clear the path so that the final error analysis can focus clearly on the main point of the lesson. Expressed another way, the learners should not be stopped from committing errors in the chosen structural area, and peripheral errors should be cleared up so that learning in the final stage of analysis and correction can be more concentrated and effective. More guidance about the learner's role during the reconstruction stage is included in the section below: Immediate task objectives.
4 Analysis and
The last stage of the
dictogloss procedure is the analysis and correction of the learners' texts.
There are various ways of conducting this. Teachers will conduct this session in
their own preferred fashion. a. Using the blackboard, the students' texts are
written up for all to see and discuss. This is best conducted on a sentence
basis - sentence 1 of each group is analyzed before moving on to sentence 2 of each
group. b. Instead of the blackboard, an overhead projector can be used.
c. Each text can be
photocopied and the class can examine them) either as a total unit or on a
sentence-by-sentences. If a sentence base is preferred, then it helps to cut
and paste the texts into sentence groupings before photocopying.
d. Another technique
(which can accompany any of the correction ideas listed here) is to keep a copy
of the original text (as dictated) on an overhead projector and to 'scroll it
forward sentence by sentence after the students' versions have been examined. Whichever
correction procedure the teacher selects, students
should be encouraged to compare the various versions and discuss the language choices made. In this way errors are exposed and discussed so that learners understand the hypotheses, false and otherwise, that underlie their choices. Ideally, the original text should not be seen by learners until after their own versions have been analyzed.
Immediatet asko
In the reconstruction stage, a group of learners should have in mind two immediate goals or objectives: a. To maintain as much information as possible from the original text.
b. To produce a sound English
Maintaining informational
In the reconstruction, stage learners pool their fragments. These are not really noted in the note-taking sense of information that has been decoded processed and reassembled. They are merely bits or fragments of language written down as heard during the dictation. Groups should aim to maintain the informational content of the original. For example, take the sentence: 'The man in the grey suit carrying the black umbrella walked into the shop.' If this sentence were reconstructed by students to read the man walked into the shop,' then it is clear that it omits some of the original information. It should be noted, however, that the students' texts do not have to replicate the original. Continuing with the same example, the following reconstructions perfectly acceptable: 'The man who was wearing a grey suit and carrying a black umbrella walked into the shop. There are, of course, other versions that would be equally acceptable.
Producing a sound
English text
The text produced should be sound in three senses. Firstly, it should be grammatically accurate) abiding by syntactic and structural rules of English usage. Secondly, it should be textually cohesive. This means it should hold together as a unit or chunk of language that is meaningful as an integral whole. A five-sentence text has a tight logical sequence. It is not a loose random collection of individual sentence-units. The use of connectives between sentences and of reference devices to interconnect ideas is crucial here. Thirdly, the text produced should make logical sensei n terms of our knowledge of the real world. An example will clarify this. The sentence:' The American University in Beirut is the oldest institution in the Arab world' is out of kilter with what we know about the world, and so it is illogical even while being structurally accurate.
From the reading above we can see that students must prepare vocabulary and function words and the teacher must also be able to analyze or correct student texts